1st Gridiron Classic Raises Over $3,000 for Warriors (Pictures)
With over 60 golfers and dozens of sponsors and donors, the 1st Annual Warriors Alumni Gridiron Classic was held on Friday, June 9th, at Cardinal Hills in Randolph.
The Salamanca Warriors would like to recognize and thank all the golfers, sponsors and donors who made the Gridiron Classic such a big success. While accounting is not complete, the event is projected to have raised over $3,000 for the Salamanca Warriors varsity football program.

Petruzzi Insurance
Plaza Restaurant
Central Lanes
Haley’s Auto Shop
Holy Cross Club
Blue Collar Workwear
Hoag’s Gas Station
Seneca Construction
Katy’s Fly In
Salamanca Sabers
Salamanca All Sports Booster
American Legion
Seneca Manufacturing
Mike Hill Memorial Golf Tournament
The Jock Shop
Summit St. Market
USA Football
The Clinton Restaurant
Ole Hickory Tavern
The Corner Deli
Superintendent Breidenstein
Cloud and Company
Dr. Greenlawn Custom Turf
Brady and Swenson
Photos courtesy of Callie Fluent